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●Civilian Initiatives This Initiative area focuses on increasing local Support Level and Stability Initiatives apply to the whole regio and are automatically built zone-by-zone. ●Government Initiatives This Initiative area expands your operation's capabilities and the effectiveness of your Civilian and Military activities. Initiatives apply to the whole region. ●Military Initiatives  This Initiative area focuses on National and Coalition military capabilities. Initiatives apply to the whole region. ●Services Discussions Work with local people to understand their education, healthcare, water and sanitation requirements. ●Infrastructure Discussions Work with local people to understand their roads, power a telecoms requirements. ●Development Discussion Work with local people to understand their economic, business and jobs requirement ●Outreach Office Establish a team to identify ways for 'Lightning Storm' to engage efficiently with different parts of the region. Slightly speed


Proverbs are old but familiar sayings that usually give advice. Both idioms and proverbs are a part of our daily speech. For example, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a proverb. 1. Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder : People have different opinions about what is beautiful/good. Different people will find different things beautiful and that the differences of opinion don't matter greatly. 2. Beggars can't be choosers: This idiom means that people who are in great need must accept any help that is offered, even if it is not a complete solution to their problems. 3. Better late than never: This proverb suggests that doing something late is better than not doing it at all. 4. Best advice is found on the pillow : You may solve a problem after a good night's sleep. 5. Better safe than sorry: Better to be careful than to take risks. 6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush:It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to risk losing it by trying


A bridge too far : A bridge too far is an act of overreachinggoing too far and getting into trouble or failing. A penny for your thoughts : This idiom is used as a way of asking someone what they are thinking about. Add fuel to the fire : If people add fuel to the fire, it will burn with more intensity. Therefore, it means to make a bad situation worse. Add insult to injury: When people add insult to injury, they make a bad situation even worse. Air your dirty : If you air your dirtylaundry in public laundry in public, you reveal aspects of your private life that should really remain private, by telling a secret, arguing in public, etc. All ears: If someone says they're all ears, they are interested in hearing about something. All roads lead to Rome : This means that there can be many different ways of doing something. All your eggs in one basket: If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything at once, instead of trying to spread the risk. (This is often used as a nega


● there is a perfect time for everything. ● God decides what to do and when to do. ● He thinks about everyone but when truth comes it comes in its right time. ● What happenes and when it happens is for the good.  ● God helps us to solve our own problem.  ● He wants us to be honest. ● We must have faith in God and wait till he eventually will bring justice to every situation.

itihas Gawah hai

इतिहास गवाह हैं कि एक कामयाब इंसान के अतीत में कई नाकामयाब साल होते है ,एक कामयाब कहानी के अतीत में हज़ारो संघर्ष हज़ारों कठिन परिस्थिति हज़ारों कठिन रास्ते हज़ारों ठोकरे हज़ारों धोके हज़ारों बार गिरना ,हज़ारों ताने लोगो की बाते सुन्ना ,चारो दिशाओ से मुश्किल ,हमले ,दर्द दुख तकलीफ ,कई दफा तो न जीत पाने की म्रत्यु समान हालात में रहना ,हार निशिय हो ,पर कभी हार न मानने की कला ,बार बार उठने की फिर से लड़ने की कला ,आखरी दम तक जी जान से लगे रहने की कला ,से ही सारे तख्तोताज हासिल हुए है ऐसे ही मंज़िल ,कामयाबी ,नाम ,शोहरत ,रुपया ,नही मिल जाते ,तब जाके एक कामयाब कहानी बनती है ,सब कुछ इतना आसान नही होता आसान है तो सिर्फ मौत को दवात देना या खुद गले लगाना , बाकी सब के लोए खून पसीना मेहनत बहाना पड़ता है ,ओसे ही सब मिल जाता तो हर इंसान आज कामयाब होता खुश होता ,पर कुछ भी बैठे बैठे नही मिलता ,लाख चुनोतियो का सामना करना पड़ता है तब कुछ होता है ,कहना आसान होता है करना मुश्किल ,सोचना आसान होता ही उस सोच को हकीकत बनाना मुश्किल दिन रात एक हो जाते है कई बार तो बिना खाना खाएं पानी पिये नींद न लेकर भी रहना पड़

aye haar kab tak

ऐ हार ,तू कब तक हराएगी मुझ को ,एक दिन तू भी थक के हार जाएगी ,फिर क्या ,जीत तो मेरी ही होगी,मैं तप जाऊंगा, जल जाऊँगा, कट जाऊंगा, मिट जाऊंगा पर हार काभि नही मानूँगा ,आखरी सांस तक खून की आखरी बूंद तक मैं लड़ूंगा ,ये युद्ध जो छिड़ा है उसे खत्म कर जीत के नगाड़े ,तुरहियां चारो तरफ सुनाई देगी ,हर मुश्किलो ,दुखों , रुकावट ,तकलीफों ,तुम क्या ठहर पाओगे मेरे सामने योद्धा हु मैं ,मैं आज तक अपने खुदा के सामने ही झुकता आया ह,मौत भी क्या है मेरे सामने मेरे खुदा ने उसे भी जीत लिया है अपने लहू के द्वारा ,मैं तो वो आखरी वार का इंतज़ार कर रहा हु जिसमे तुम सब खत्म हो जाओगे ,है दुम है हिम्मत हैंताक़त है दिमाग है जज़्बा है जुनून हा मैं पागल हु शायद इस लिए अभी तक जिंदा खड़ा हूँ तुम्हारे सामने और आज भी तुम मेरे खिलाफ हार ही रहे हो।ना थकूंगा ना रुकूँगा ,बस आगे ही आगे चलूंगा।अंधी आओ तूफान आओ भूकंप आओ बोहोत  से तूफान में भी टिका रहा ,अधियाँ भी न हिला सकी भूकंप भी न गिरा सके ऐसी मज़बूती लिए चल रहा हु ,।

Quantum science, time travel time Related, law of attraction and etc laws,philosophy, spirituality, psychology related, science, sci fi,,natural laws,universeal reality, truth etc

 Here in this blog post you can find idea,thoughts, thinking ,key words,theory ,quotes, about time travel ,quantum science, and law of attraction and etc laws,philosophy, spirituality, psychology related also .and it will keep updating time to time so dont worry we all same topic lovers can read and research and help each other ,we can discuss also in comment section or you want to with me come on Instagram and Facebook. in Hindi also we can talk . Quantum science and time travel We can see past future but cant go there cant change it even if go there not physicaly even after that can’t change it If We can change an event story but many options are there that can again collide on same event but if one story can poistive change than that event in present changed and to the future but if everything is written even if we changed it we can delay it but sorry it has to be happen So in present we can only see past and future in present but even if change it, it can again happen same like a t