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Bad habits and distractions


We all encounters somewhere in our life with the distractions and may be many of us going through and surviving in bad habits ,

both are two different things but  co related to each other also at the same time ,

Oxford languages dictionary define distartcion as ~ a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.

distraction is whatever is distracting you away from what you are promised to your self ,aiming on somethings targeting something,  or already set goals on something in your life,or going in a pre- decided way on which you’re already walking ,

answer on quora said about bad habits ~A bad habit is a habitual behavior considered to be detrimental to one’s physical or mental health and often linked to a lack of self-control.

Collins dictionary says about bad habit ~A bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern

and bad habits are whatever keep your busy or distracting you and it is bad for you and harms you,

habits is different thing like good and bad habits ,

but we are here talking about bad habits ,

science says different things psychology says same thing but from different perspective about bad habits, 

Oxford languages dictionary says about habits ~a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.”he has an annoying habit of interrupting me”

Oxford languages dictionary,~an addictive practice,an automatic reaction to a specific situation

you know life is very clear to your nature is very clear In its rules and laws ,

it’s a natural thing we experiences in our life I’m also gone through it and after winning over bad habits and successfully distracting all the distractions in my way giving you a truly experienced advice so if you are seeking advice and help upon this topic I hope my words surely help you so you can also overcome upon bad habits and winning on the distractions,

if you see in our daily routine in this world which has variety of things and topics going on and our brain sub consciously is recording and knowing and gathering things but if didn’t pay attention it forced our conscious mind to work on it experience it or try once ,

and if your are not aware and don’t have knowledge upon it you got distracted by bad things or if it makes your brain happy and satisfied no matter for how much time and in which way it will become addiction than addiction become habit and if it isn’t pay attention or we don’t work to remove or overcome and win on it

Oxford languages dictionary defines addiction as ~the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.

it will slowly slowly destroy you and enters in your daily routine in your life and sticked like a strong glue and if you don’t have anti bad habit medicine ,antidote which helps you to overcome it and win over it by distracting your distraction from winning over you,you are going to lose the war in your daily life,

and if I elaborate distractions of bad habits have variety may be like drugs ,alcohol,
pornography  masturbating, etc types it have in bad habits which are not for a Normal human being .

you have to first win the war in your subconscious again in your awaken conscious and than in your physical world

my way is celibacy way in sociology i studied about celibacy ashram ,in india according to scriptures celibacy means (brahamachariya) it is above the sex and marriage and no fap concept, it will teach you the art of living free from distractions and bad habits to be a right real good human being,and how how maintain and live a healthy wealthy life spiritually and physically etc we have to study it deeply if we want to over come on any distractions and bad habits ,and find the way to live a celibacy life and become the right person the natural and real being to know the true purpose of all things.

nothing is easy and nothing is impossible ,I fought a long battle with bad habits and distractions I cried a lot I survived and suffered a lot there is many days I failed I become sometime hopeless, sad depressed ,and demotivated but at the same day I gather all my broken spread pieces and build up again my self to fight another war on another next day after the darkest nights in my life and slowly slowly I started to understand all the things and experience and lessons help me to stand out and overcome it and fight with it effectively, impact fully ,affectfully and slowly slowly I’m back on the track in winning and got my victory after 2 or 3 years yes its is for me its not that easy but I make it possible to win this war against bad habits and distractions its hard to programme your mind but you can do it slowly slowly by discipline, consistency ,strong determination ,and never quit never give up attitude you can self control yourself you can achieve it the dream life you want and a normal natural human being you can become .

you may fail many times some times you give up and again go that bad way but belive me if your consistently follow right path with positive approach you will win in the end and than your life will be changed because you learned the art or winning the war in your daily life.

you will slowly slowly forgetting about it and programming your mind in the right directions it is your war you have to fight on your own no one is coming to help you no one can walk or fight for you in you life I won this war so you can also ,

belive have faith Stand string against the bad in your life if you are not willing by heart to defeat it ,it will destroy you someday .

The Great Acharya Chanakya once said “destroy your fears before it will destroy you “same in this matter you can apply this thought .

As Einstein said every action is equal and opposite reaction if are not aware in which way we are doing and giving action we have to face the unknown wrong and may be deadliest destroyer darkest harmful reaction .

If we talk about history we have many examples how the bad habits distracts and affect and impact and its effect are become the reason of the end for a person, era ,moments, events etc .

so be careful as in many holy books of many religions and many philosphers said that be aware and counscious about what we will allow to enter in our ,soul ,mind body, brain ,from the gateway of senses hidden or visible, it will create your make you greatest and legend and same way it can also destroy you internal or externally and vice your existence from this universe, guard and protect your mind heart us very fragile handle it with care.

I hope you understand the distractions and bad habits and I correlation with each other and thus way I distracted my all distractions and overcome my bad habits and winning the war of life its my war I have to fight alone no one can fight for me nor walk this path for me its my responsibility its my life it’s my choice its my decisions to become a warrior in life or die with failures and regrets and with this social and evil cause of bad habits and distractions don’t give up victory is on the way one day surely it will be yours for ever and ever .

best wishes and luck to you fight Hard and strong spiritually, psychological ,philosophical than scientifically you can win it by the helps of all these subjects also read it research on it study deeply apply while heartedly learn it than win it and share your experience so it can help others we Humans are made for each other to help each other in every best possible way .

If you need any help or want to have a chat with me or anything just contact me on given social media platform links, thank you to be with me in this journey to the destiny .


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