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Karma to unfair ,justice to fair

  What if unfair happens in your lifeWhat if unfair happens in your life ,how to overcome it ,how to survive In it or deal with it ,what is the hope In the end, what is the result of this temptation in the end ,why you have to gone through this,what to do with those who did unfair to you ,what is unfair means in our life ,what attitude you will have to take ,which way you have to go ,? I know we all have so much questions running around in our mind whenever where ever unfair happens in our life and we have much question also for those who did it to us , I’m here to clarify this to you answer you and to show your the way the reality so be with me till the last word I know many of us are so busy so I will try to be simple and straight forward and In short . (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Wikipedia action, work, or deed.The term also refers to the spiritual principle of