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Showing posts with the label philosophy

Quantum science, time travel time Related, law of attraction and etc laws,philosophy, spirituality, psychology related, science, sci fi,,natural laws,universeal reality, truth etc

 Here in this blog post you can find idea,thoughts, thinking ,key words,theory ,quotes, about time travel ,quantum science, and law of attraction and etc laws,philosophy, spirituality, psychology related also .and it will keep updating time to time so dont worry we all same topic lovers can read and research and help each other ,we can discuss also in comment section or you want to with me come on Instagram and Facebook. in Hindi also we can talk . Quantum science and time travel We can see past future but cant go there cant change it even if go there not physicaly even after that can’t change it If We can change an event story but many options are there that can again collide on same event but if one story can poistive change than that event in present changed and to the future but if everything is written even if we changed it we can delay it but sorry it has to be happen So in present we can only see past and future in present but even if change it, it can again happen same like a t

Karma to unfair ,justice to fair

  What if unfair happens in your lifeWhat if unfair happens in your life ,how to overcome it ,how to survive In it or deal with it ,what is the hope In the end, what is the result of this temptation in the end ,why you have to gone through this,what to do with those who did unfair to you ,what is unfair means in our life ,what attitude you will have to take ,which way you have to go ,? I know we all have so much questions running around in our mind whenever where ever unfair happens in our life and we have much question also for those who did it to us , I’m here to clarify this to you answer you and to show your the way the reality so be with me till the last word I know many of us are so busy so I will try to be simple and straight forward and In short . (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Wikipedia action, work, or deed.The term also refers to the spiritual principle of